House pests can be uncomfortable to live with, but did you know that they could also affect your hearing? Find out ways to stay protected!
Some house pests can carry pathogens, make loud noises or trigger allergies that can result in hearing loss. However, there are a few precautions you can take that can eliminate unwanted visitors in your home. Measures you can take to keep yourself safe include:
Removing Cicadas From Indoors
Cicadas, which normally emerge from the ground every 13 to 17 years, are loud enough to induce hearing loss. These insects can actually produce more noise than city traffic.
Although cicadas usually make their home outdoors, they can make their way into houses that are not properly secured. Remove cicadas that you find in your home and seal up any crevices outside your house that pests can enter from.
Discarding Contaminated or Undercooked Food
Toxoplasma gondii is a small pest that causes the disease toxoplasmosis. You run the risk of getting toxoplasmosis by eating contaminated or undercooked meats such as lamb or pork.
This pest can also be transmitted through drinking water or used cat litter. Be sure to only use drinking water from clean sources and practice good hygiene when disposing of your pet’s waste.
Exercising Caution When Using Pesticides
The treatments we use for house pests can actually end up harming us in the long run. Pesticides can cause hearing loss when used in large amounts over long periods of time. One American study shows that of the thousands of exterminators tested in the years 1999-2003, over one-third of them reported experiencing hearing loss.
Be sure not to spray excessive amounts of pesticides. Additionally, maintain proper ventilation when applying pesticides for an extended period of time. Use alternative forms of treatments when dealing with house pests, such as snap traps and bait pellets.
Avoiding Direct Contact With House Pests
Allergies can lead to clogging in different parts of the ears, and one symptom of an allergic reaction is hearing loss. Pests like rats and mice often times shed hairs that can trigger a reaction in people with pet allergies. The bites and stings from spiders, bees and wasps can also induce allergies.
Avoid touching house pests directly. Instead, use gloves or rely on traps that don’t require you to come into contact with the animal. Sticky traps and electric mousetraps allow you to dispose of pests without having to come into contact with them.
Keeping Rats and Mice Out Of Your Home
Rats and mice can spread illnesses through their droppings, some of which can lead to hearing loss. You can prevent rodents from thriving in your house by simply maintaining a neat environment. Eliminate discarded food and dispose of trash bags regularly.
In addition to causing hearing loss, house pests can also contaminate food and damage property. By keeping your living quarters clean and eliminating house pests early on, you can help prevent illnesses that could otherwise affect your hearing.