If you can personalize everything from your cell phone case to bumper stickers on your car, why not add a little personality to your hearing aid? Hearing aids often come with the cliché of old age or failing health, but with a little pizzazz, there is no need to hide the devices anymore.
Charming Additions
Hayleigh Scott of Hayleigh’s Cherished Charms attended a school for deaf students where she saw a common theme – students wanting to hide their hearing aids. She realized that if she could turn the hearing devices into a fashion statement over an embarrassing hindrance, she could boost the confidence of many wearers. With seasonal themed charms, fun twists to add to hearing aid tubes, and vibrant colors, Hayleigh turned hearing aid decorations into the newest jewelry.
Audicus’s Advanced Style
Back in April of 2015, Audicus partnered with Advanced Style to break barriers by creating patterned hearing aids. With fun prints such as polka dots and sparkles, Audicus allows seniors the ability to express themselves through their hearing aid decorations. Instead of being a stigmatized as unfashionable, style blogger Ari Seth Cohen Cohen honored the hearing aid community by taking photographs and celebrating the aging population who continue to be fashion icons.
Lugs are specially designed stickers that perfectly fit your cochlear implant, hearing aid, or bone anchored hearing aid (BAHA). For children and adults alike, there are themes of superheroes, princesses, flowers, animals, and popular culture icons. While not compatible with every type of hearing aid, the market is definitely growing. An average kit comes with two sets of vinyl, two set of stickers to decorate the vinyl, and two charms to fit around the hearing aid tubing, all for around twenty-five dollars. As they are temporary, these stickers are a fun way to add personality to your hearing aid decorations.
DIY Solutions
Since hearing aids can be costly, it may seem to many that purchasing decorations are another added expense. However, there are a few ways to cut corners as well as cost.- Nail decals – The sheer sheets of design can be rubbed onto hearing aids similarly to nails. They also scratch off when you are ready for a new hearing aid decoration!
- Rhinestones – Most crafting stores sell packs of different shapes and sizes of rhinestones with adhesive backs, making them simple to apply to your hearing aid.
- Cell phone covers – Akin to nail decals, you can cut the cover and design to fit the sizing of your hearing aid.