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Woman holding small CIC hearing aid in hand
Woman holding small CIC hearing aid in hand

CIC Hearing Aids: Benefits, Comparisons, and Cost

Kristen Knight, LHIS

November 22, 2022

Updated: December 4, 2024

Interested in CIC hearing aids? Learn about what makes Completely-in-Canal, also known as invisible hearing aids, a popular option for many.

CIC Hearing Aids

Gone are the times of visible hearing aids. In-the-ear (ITE) hearing aids now sit snugly in your ear canal, and completely-in-the-canal (CIC) hearing aids are even less visible. 

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Approximately 48 million Americans suffer from some form of hearing loss with most requiring hearing aids.  Thanks to the advancements in technology, there are now several different types and styles of hearing aids available on the market, including hearing aids that are nearly "invisible". If you're looking for a discreet option, CIC models may be right for you.  Read on to find out more about what they are and their pros and cons.

What Are CIC Hearing Aids?

CIC hearing devices work by increasing sound and then sending it into your ear canal.  They are custom-made to fit snugly in your ear. They are frequently referred to as “invisible”. This is because they are less noticeable than other hearing aid types, sitting deep within the ear canal.  Being able to capture sound so close to the eardrum gives CIC  models an advantage in sound quality.

Benefits of CIC Hearing Aids

Want to know all the features that make CIC, also known as "invisible" hearing aids great? Here’s a list of a few pros.

Reduction of the Occlusion Effect

One of the main benefits of completely-in-canal hearing products is that they don't cause the occlusion effect.  This is when you hear your own voice echoing because the sound is being amplified and then sent back into your ear canal.  Small CIC hearing products do not cause this effect because they sit further down in the canal, so the sound isn't able to bounce back as easily.


Another pro is that they are practically invisible - the only thing visible is the small removable tab. If you're self-conscious about wearing hearing aids, then CIC models may be the right choice for you. 

Sound Quality

Another big pro of CIC hearing devices is their excellent sound quality. Because they sit so close to the eardrum, they can amplify sound better than other types of hearing aids. By molding to your ear’s natural shape, they can effectively funnel sound similar to the way it is naturally supposed to.


CICs are also very comfortable to wear.  They are often custom-made to fit your ear, so you shouldn't have any problems with them falling out or being uncomfortable. As well, they are lightweight, so you won't even realize you're wearing them.

Cons of Completely-in-Canal Hearing Products

Just like all other models, CIC models do have some cons to think about.


One of the biggest cons of Completely-in-Canal hearing aids is that they can be quite expensive compared to other hearing aid types with similar technology and features. 

Fewer Features

CIC hearing aids typically have fewer features than other types of hearing aids. For example, many do not have directional microphones or Bluetooth.

Less Power

Providing less power than other types of hearing aids, they may not be the best choice for someone with severe hearing loss.

Hard to Handle

Because they are so small, they can be difficult to handle. If you have arthritis or dexterity issues, invisible hearing aids may not be the right choice for you.

How Much Do CIC Models Cost?

Pricing for CIC products can vary considerably depending on the retailer and quality. As a general rule of thumb, expect prices to range from $1,000 to $9,000 dollars. The average price is about $2,300 per ear or around $4,600 per pair. You can cut costs without sacrificing function by choosing to buy from online retailers like Audicus. At Audicus, you can buy a high-tech CIC model for $999 ear, which is more than $1,000 less than the retail price of a local clinic.

Are Completely-in-Canal Hearing Devices Right for Me?

If you're looking for a hearing aid that will be virtually undetectable, then CIC hearing aids are a good choice.  They are also a good option if you have mild to moderate hearing loss. If you have more severe hearing loss, however, CIC hearing aids may not provide enough amplification.  Audicus has just launched a brand new invisible CIC hearing aid, the Mini, which provides discreet comfort along with enhanced sound quality. Audicus Mini Hearing Aids

Shop The Mini

The Mini is not just an amplifier, like many other Completely-in-Canal models, it is a true hearing aid that focuses on incoming speech and helps reduce unwanted background noise. 

Are CIC Hearing Aids Invisible?

While CIC hearing aids are designed to be as discreet as possible, they are not completely invisible If you look closely, you will be able to see the small casing of the hearing aid peeking out from the opening of the ear canal.  Compared to traditional over-the-ear models, however, CIC hearing aids are much less noticeable.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Find out more about the differences between hearing aid models with these frequently asked questions.

What is the difference between CIC and IIC hearing aids?

The main difference between CIC and invisible-in-the-canal (IIC) hearing aids is that IIC hearing aids sit even deeper in the ear canal. They are commonly sold by local retailers and can cost thousands of dollars, sometimes up to $10,000 for a pair. 

What is the difference between CIC and RIC hearing aids?

Receiver-in-the-canal (RIC) hearing aids feature a hard shell that sits behind the ear, housing all the components such as the speaker and microphone. It’s connected to an earpiece that goes into the ear via a thin wire or tubing. CIC hearing aids, however, don’t have any external pieces and are placed snugly in the ear canal.

What is the difference between CIC and ITC hearing aids?

Generally speaking, CIC hearing aids tend to be smaller and more discreet than their ITC counterparts. ITC hearing aids are also more likely than CIC to have directional microphones. 

Shop Audicus Hearing Aids

If you’re looking for a modern hearing aid, look no further than Audicus. We are an accessible direct-to-consumer hearing health company that offers an online model and quality products at a fair price. Shop our hearing aids and test your device for 45 days, risk-free!

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