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Employee Spotlight

February 2023

Meet Kim Smith, Lifecycle and Digital Product Manager!

Audicus strives to provide top-tier hearing aids and services to our customers.

Let’s see who’s working behind the scenes to make that happen.

Today we’re highlighting: Kim Smith!

“We care deeply about what Audicus is doing for others, and for us that’s helping people with our products and that demographic we serve.”

What initially drew you to Audicus, and how’d your career path get you here?

Kim attended The Ohio State University, and graduated with her Master’s Degree in Speech Language Pathology. Prior to joining Audicus, Kim worked as a Speech Language Pathologist in various hospitals. She started working in marketing as a freelancer for a digital marketing agency while employed as an SLP and eventually dove in fulltime as a Marketing Manager at a FinTech start-up.

Her journey led her to learning about Audicus.  Kim recalls her SLP training was with individuals who experienced hearing loss, and noted “what I liked about Audicus is that it merged my background in marketing with my passion for helping people, especially the geriatric population with hearing loss.”

What is your role at Audicus?

Kim is the Lifecycle and Web Marketing Manager with Audicus and joined the team in June of 2021. In her role, Kim bridges across both performance, product, and brand. Her main responsibilities include leading email/SMS marketing, creating tailored and personalized messages for target segments based on where they are in the customer journey, supporting product with product messaging, delivering a comprehensive SEO (Search Engine Optimization) strategy, and supporting performance marketing with paid ad optimization. As is true with most startups, she ends up doing a little bit of everything else to, like research, copy, and more.

What’s one of your favorite memories at Audicus?

“The best part about Audicus is the people.” Kim’s favorite memories working at Audicus are working alongside her team members Delaney and Madeline, both “in person and out of office events.” She recalls having fun at Karaoke with her colleagues, and mentions we have “a strong mini team and joke we’re going to start a band.”

How would you best describe the culture at Audicus?

Folks working at Audicus share a strong sense of mission, and Kim notes “we care deeply about what Audicus is doing for others, and for us that’s helping people with our products and that demographic we serve.”

What advice would you give someone looking to enter the Marketing field?

Kim encourages those wanting to enter the marketing field to “go for it! There is not one linear path to what you want to do.” Kim realized her passion for Marketing as an undergraduate at Ohio State University. During that time, Kim started an Ohio State Twitter account that went viral, but then continued her studies as a SLP, and ultimately found her way back into the Marketing field.

What are you excited about for Audicus in 2023?

Audicus is excited for 2023!  Kim is especially excited for her team this year as they are “hoping to elevate the voices of our customers with testimonials and possibly video content.” Audicus truly appreciates and admires our incredible customers, and the team would love to give spotlight to the many individuals the company has impacted that have hearing loss and are interested in seeking out treatment.

Outside of work, what are your favorite things to do?

Kim jokes that her recent “pastime has been attending weddings” as many of her friends are getting married and notes attending weddings “has become a core component of my identity lately.” 🙂

Outside of work, Kim loves music and wants to evolve her skills by beginning piano lessons. In addition, she loves traveling and exploring new places. Last year, Kim traveled to Seattle, Indianapolis, Los Angeles, Vegas, Columbus, Providence, Cleveland, Indianapolis and more. Her favorite and most memorable trip she went on was to Los Angeles with a group of her childhood best friends and notes “it was very meaningful.” This year, she and her friends will be venturing out to Wyoming and visiting Yellowstone National Park. 

Thank you for being an incredible team member, Kim!