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Hearing loss affects your relationships
Hearing loss affects your relationships

How Hearing Loss Affects Your Relationships

Kristen Knight, LHIS

December 1, 2021

Updated: December 6, 2021

If you think you are the only one affected by your hearing loss, think again. Find out more about how hearing loss affects your relationships in this blog.

If communication is the key to a good relationship, hearing loss can be a detriment. If you think you are the only one affected by your hearing loss, think again. When your loved ones have to repeat themselves time after time, they may get frustrated with you. Below, we explore this and other ways in which hearing loss affects your relationships.

Hearing Loss in Romantic Relationships

Have you ever been accused of not listening to your significant other? Maybe the underlying issue is hearing loss. Only one in four individuals with hearing loss wear hearing aids, leaving the other three quarters missing out on a portion of their life. In fact, 44 percent of over 55-year-olds surveyed by Specsavers hearing centers said their romantic relationship suffered because one or both individuals suffered from hearing loss. Women were more likely to feel left out because of hearing loss than their male counterparts, though both noticed the negative side effects. 53 percent saw a positive impact on their relationship with the addition of hearing aids. Instead of missing out on parties, turning down invitations to loud restaurants, or even fighting over the volume of the television, couples can work through their hearing loss. Strong communication starts with both parties being able to completely hear each other.

Hearing Loss in Familial Relationships

Hearing loss within a household with young children can be dangerous. If a baby is crying in another room and the parent cannot hear, the baby may be in danger. Additionally, as the child grows, they will want parents who are involved and active listeners. This hinges on getting help with hearing loss. Parents can work with hearing aids, and children can learn sign language or lip reading. There is no need to fight and cause resentment within the relationship. As long as the problem is addressed, familial relationships do not have to suffer.

Hearing Loss Between Co-Workers

Communication is at the core of most work relationships. Even with the prevalence of emailing and instant messaging, face-to-face communication is still highly valued in the workplace. With hearing loss, workers can miss out on important details, causing problems with projects and deadlines. Supervisors may see poor workmanship instead of the root problem – hearing loss. People with hearing loss may be more frustrated, paranoid, anxious, and self-critical since they do not know exactly what is being said around them. If you want to be a valuable contribution to your workplace, treat your hearing loss!

Hearing Loss Between Friends

Two thirds of the individuals interviewed in the Specsavers survey said they cannot participate in day to day conversations because of hearing loss, leaving them to feel left out of fun and meaningful socialization. In the same study, one third of the cohort surveyed said they lost touch with a friend because of lack of communication due to hearing loss. Those with hearing loss can become more secluded and depressed due to their strained interactions with friends, which can be easily solved with hearing aids. When both friends can properly engage in the conversation, the relationship is more fulfilling.

By: Diana Michel

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