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Popcorn Christmas Tree

Our favorite classic holiday movies

Kristen Knight, LHIS

December 24, 2018

Updated: November 28, 2021

Need a dose of holiday nostalgia? Check out this list of classic holiday movies that will have you feeling nostalgic in no time!

One of the best parts of the holidays is gathering around a fire, hot chocolate in hand, and settling in to watch movies. Whether you’re a fan of the heartwarming or the hilarious, our list of classic holiday movies has got you covered for a heavy dose of nostalgia!

It’s a Wonderful Life 

 Frank Capra’s Christmas masterpiece is perhaps the most quintessential holiday movie. Released in 1946, the film tells the story of George Bailey and Clarence the angel, who shows George the overwhelming impact he’s had on his friends, family, and town. If you’re looking for a funny and uplifting movie for the holidays, this is perfect.

A Christmas Story

There’s a reason TBS and TNT play this movie for 24 hours on December 25th—it’s a classic Christmas comedy. Watch little Ralphie’s desperate efforts to convince his parents to get him a Red Ryder Carbine Action 200-shot Range Model air rifle, the ultimate gift in the 1940s. By the end of the movie you’ll be repeating the film’s catchphrase to your kids: “You’ll shoot your eye out!”

Miracle on 34th Street 

The 1947 film, starring a young Natalie Wood, will be sure to bring out the nostalgia in you—or, if you’re under 30, try the 1994 remake. This tale about Kris Kringle and whether or not he’s the real Santa will have you smiling the whole time. It’s great for the whole family!

National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation

If you’re looking for some rollicking laughter this Christmas, Chevy Chase has got you covered. From a Christmas-light power outage to a holiday kidnapping, this movie will have you rolling in the aisles.

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

An animated classic, this movie tells the well-loved story of everyone’s favorite reindeer. Since 1964, families have turned on CBS to watch beloved characters such as Yukon Cornelius, the Abominable Snowman, and Clarice follow Rudolph on his adventures. If you’re looking for a holiday movie to make you feel nostalgic, this is it.

White Christmas

This 1954 classic stars Bing Crosby and Rosemary Clooney in a musical spectacular set in quaint Vermont. Four singers are planning a Christmas show when they run into an old war buddy, who needs their help. Christmas magic ensues, with a classic holiday soundtrack.

 A Charlie Brown Christmas

Every generation can find something to love in this television special from the 60s, starring the one and only Charlie Brown. A normally glum character, Charlie Brown’s depression is deepened by the rampant consumerism of the neighborhood. It’s only when Linus shares the true meaning of Christmas with him that things start looking up. Featuring an iconic soundtrack, this cartoon will certainly have you feeling nostalgic for the past.


By: Elena McPhillips

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