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Administration on Aging
Administration on Aging

The Administration on Aging is Actually Very Helpful

Kristen Knight, LHIS

March 27, 2017

Updated: January 2, 2022

Dealing with the failing health of a loved one can be overwhelming and confusing. Find out more in this blog from the Administration on Aging.

If you or your loved one’s health is starting to fail, that can be a scary thing for many reasons. First, finding and getting treatment can be tough in itself with all the doctors and insurance options out there. Second, this treatment may not be affordable, and it is nearly impossible to choose between medical debt and wellness. Third and finally, if health deteriorates to a greater extent, should you or your loved one move to an assisted living facility? Find out more about how the Adminstration on Aging can help.  

Administration on Aging (AoA)

  This is where the Administration on Aging enters the picture. This agency falls under the U.S. Administration for Community Living, which holds other agencies like the Center for Policy and Evaluation as well as the Administration on Disability, and falls under the even greater umbrella of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The Administration for Community Living’s mission is to help aged or disabled Americans live where they wish and participate in the community. More specifically, the Administration on Aging promotes independent living through specific programs and services within the community. Much of the funding for the programs comes from the Older Americans Act of 1965, allowing the government to fund services for Americans over the age of 60.  

Offices Within the AoA

  Like any governmental organization, the AoA is broken into offices with even more specific goals and resources.
  • Office of Supportive and Caregiver Services – The services include anything from adult daycare to transportation to live-in caregivers. Depending on the severity of health risks, you may contemplate the pros and cons of having someone come into your home or if you can receive guidance outside of the home. Either way, this office can provide invaluable services.
  • Office of Nutrition and Health Promotion Programs – With age comes a variety of health concerns. This office can help with prevention, health, and management programs, such as diabetes management, fall-risk prevention, and nutritional services. When it comes to your health, this office knows best.
  • Office for American Indian, Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiian Programs – Because of the exclusive locations that are more isolated than the standard American town, the AoA created a subdivision that provides resources within these remote spaces.
  • Office of Long-Term Care Ombudsman Programs – An ombudsman is public advocate who must look into violations of rights. Long-term care ombudsmen advocate on behalf of residents of assisted living facilities, nursing homes, and other adult care facilities. This office requires every state to have an ombudsman to represent their constituents, giving a voice to individuals involved in adult care.

AoA Website

  While you can call the AoA at (202) 401-4634 or email at, it may be easiest to turn to their website to find resources. They have external links to helpful websites on Alzeimers, benefits programs, long-term care planning, and eldercare locations. It is a one-stop shop to find programs and services you need, many of which will be covered under the Older Americans Act.   Don’t let these free resources go to waste! Check out the Administration on Aging and see how they can help you.  

By: Diana Michel

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